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When it comes to durable and comfortable tooth replacement, dental implants are regarded as the best option. This is because implants are low…
Did you know you could achieve a total smile restoration by receiving a full set of new teeth in just one procedure? Our oral surgeon offers…
It is not normal for one’s jaw to hurt. If you develop jaw pain, you should visit a dentist or oral surgeon immediately for treatment. When jaw…
From a complete set of teeth for proper chewing and speaking to the overall improvement of your smile, the benefits of dental implants are easy…
For many patients, wisdom teeth removal is their first experience with oral surgery and they are likely to have many questions about the…
Dental implants are quite similar structurally to biological teeth, and this quality gives these devices most of their desirable qualities, such…
Imaging technology is essential in planning a patient’s oral surgery, and three-dimensional imaging, rather than conventional x-rays, can help…
The All-on-4 method uses just four dental implants to secure an entire prosthetic arch and restore beautiful, natural-looking smiles in…
Impacted wisdom teeth usually will need to be surgically removed, and many patients opt for this procedure during their late teen years when they…
Few, if any, edentulous patients relish the thought of waiting weeks to restore a complete smile. Fortunately, with an intervention known as Bar…