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While the most noticeable effect of missing teeth is aesthetic, there are also serious health consequences associated with tooth loss. The type…
Accidents, falls, sports mishaps … every day we face obstacles that can result in some type of personal malady. While some injuries might only…
Impacted wisdom teeth can cause a number of problems for patients, some of which can be quite serious. Here are some signs that you may have…
In the past, patients needed adequate bone mass to support traditional dental implants. Bone atrophy is a common side effect of tooth loss. It…
Patients facing any oral surgery procedure, including the placement of dental implants, usually are eager to resume their normal activities as…
The third molars, also known as the wisdom teeth, are the largest teeth in the mouth. In fact, they are so large that many people’s jaws do not…
All-on-4 is a revolutionary tooth replacement method for edentulous patients who need total tooth replacement in either the upper or lower jaw or…
Patients with congenitally missing teeth typically find that both the appearance and the function of their smiles are negatively affected as a…
Impacted wisdom teeth can cause a host of problems, and that motivates many patients to have their third molars removed even if they’re not…
One of the many advantages of dental implants is that the replacement tooth approximates the strength of the missing biological tooth. This is…