Wisdom Teeth Removal: What Are Pre-Extraction Considerations?
Wisdom teeth extraction does involve a surgical procedure, so it’s important to be as prepared as possible for your appointment. You will want to know what to expect from the entire treatment process, as well as signs that warrant follow-up with your oral surgeon afterward.
The process begins with your initial consultation, during which the oral surgeon will examine your teeth and take x-rays to determine the degree of impaction and plan for the extraction. The surgeon will also be looking for symptoms of conditions that might need to be treated before removing the wisdom teeth.
Your surgeon will also ask about your general health/medical history to assess whether you can tolerate the procedure and whether you have any health conditions that could interfere with healing. It’s important to answer these questions as honestly as possible so that your surgeon has complete information to plan for the procedure.
Most patients will choose some form of sedation for the procedure, so this is another pre-extraction consideration. Depending on the delivery method of the sedation, you may need to take steps in advance of your appointment. For example, patients who receive IV sedation will need to fast for a certain period of time prior to the appointment.
You also want to be sure to understand the post-operative instructions so that you will reduce your risk of complications like dry sockets or infection. Your surgeon will also review these directions with you thoroughly in advance, but you may want to do things like purchasing soft foods to eat afterward and filling any prescriptions for antibiotics or painkillers. If you are a smoker, we encourage you to abstain prior to extraction and for a period of time (at least) afterward to avoid complications with healing.
We want our patients to be as prepared as possible for wisdom tooth extraction, and we will review the information you need thoroughly prior to your scheduled extraction. However, if you have any additional questions at any time in the process, don’t hesitate to call our team at Stonebriar Facial & Oral Surgery and speak to one of our knowledgeable staff members. We are here to help!