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Senior Age Man is Shocked

Have you noticed a change in the shape of your face since wearing dentures? Jawbone atrophy after tooth loss is common. It can appear subtle at first and progress to looking more obvious over time. Fortunately, our oral surgeon offers a solution, All-on-4, that supports bone health by anchoring dentures to dental implants.

All-on-4 involves strategically placing dental implants in the jaw so that they can support an entire arch of prosthetic teeth (dentures). Dental implants essentially serve as anchors for dentures. This treatment option improves oral function, supports bone health, and lends a very natural-looking appearance.

How Can All-on-4 Protect Bone Health?

All-on-4 consists of wearing dentures secured by dental implants. When people lose teeth, the jawbone tends to atrophy because it is unstimulated due to the loss of the root systems of teeth. Since dental implants are anchored into the jawbone, they will keep the bone active by stimulating it. This will help patients retain as much bone mass as possible after tooth loss.

What Makes Up Dental Implants?

Dental implants are fabricated from titanium. This metal is very unique because it is biocompatible. The bone will fuse to titanium the same way it fuses to natural tissue.

A dental implant is quite small and resembles a screw. The specific implants used for All-on-4 tend to be smaller in diameter than implants used for single tooth replacement.

Will I Be Able to Enjoy My Favorite Foods?

When compared to living without teeth or living with conventional dentures, All-on-4 will substantially improve oral function. Since dental implants anchor prosthetic teeth, eating tough or chewy food items is much easier. Dentures will not move or slide when attached to dental implants either.

Do Implant-Supported Dentures Look Natural?

All-on-4 provides natural-looking replacement teeth. This is because dentures are custom made to fit perfectly inside a patient’s mouth and because dental implants will hold them in a natural-looking position. The fact that dental implants prevent bone atrophy also assists with maintaining a beautiful aesthetic.

If you have questions about All-on-4 and dental implants, call Stonebriar Facial & Oral Surgery to schedule an appointment with our oral surgeon.

Tomorrow’s Implant Dentistry Today