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Oral Trauma Treatment Options in Frisco and McKinney, TX

Oral trauma can impact your oral health, physical health, mental health, and even your social and emotional health. If you are unable to get professional or timely oral trauma treatment, your risk of complications and facial deformity increases, and you may experience trouble eating, chewing, or speaking. You may also develop chronic pain, infection, and discomfort that affects your ability to work or enjoy hobbies or social activities. At Stonebriar Facial & Oral Surgery, we believe that everyone deserves access to safe, effective, professional oral and maxillofacial trauma care. Here is a look at the effects of oral trauma on health, and your oral trauma treatment options in Frisco and McKinney, TX.

A doctor discusses dental treatment with a woman seated in a chair in Frisco.

What Is Oral Trauma?

Oral trauma is an injury to the mouth, teeth, gums, lips, tongue, and jaw. It could be caused by a fall, sports injury, accident, assault, or abuse.

Common Types of Oral & Maxillofacial Trauma

Oral and facial trauma can range from minor to severe. Not all types of oral or facial trauma require surgical intervention or reconstructive procedures.  The most common types of oral and maxillofacial trauma are:

  • Chipped, cracked, or broken teeth
  • Knocked out teeth
  • Cuts or injuries to the lips, gums, cheek or soft tissues in the mouth
  • Trauma to facial bones (Zygomatic, Maxilla, Mandible, Nasal bones)
  • Tooth root fractures
  • Tongue injuries or cuts
  • Tooth intrusions or extrusions
Effects of Oral Trauma on Oral & Overall Health

Oral trauma can cause short-term or long-term complications that affect your health. The extent and severity of the injury will dictate treatment and the healing timelines.  The biggest health issues that can arise from traumatic injuries are:

  • Infections and Abscesses – Without proper treatment, oral trauma can increase your risk of infection or a dental abscess. The sooner these injuries are addressed, the better.
  • Tooth Loss – Some types of oral trauma should be treated quickly to avoid the need for a tooth extraction. However, if you wait too long for treatment or if the trauma is too severe, you may lose one or more teeth.
  • Bite Misalignment and Jaw Issues – Without proper treatment, oral trauma can lead to misalignment of the teeth and jaw. If you lose a tooth or have a tooth extracted and don’t replace the tooth, shifting of the remaining teeth may occur resulting in bite misalignment over time.
 Oral Trauma Treatment Options

Some oral trauma can be treated using first aid or conservative, nonsurgical methods. However, if you suffer from severe oral trauma, your dentist or doctor may refer you to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon for treatment. The most common oral trauma treatment options include:

  • Immediate First Aid for Oral Trauma—First aid remedies are designed to stop bleeding and relieve pain until you can seek more advanced treatment. These may include using gauze or sterile cloth to stop bleeding, ice packs or heat to control swelling, over-the-counter pain medication, and gargling or rinsing with warm salt water.
  • Conservative Treatments – Conservative treatment options for dental trauma are nonsurgical and minimally invasive. They may include tooth replantation, root canal therapy, dental bonding, tooth splinting, a dental filling or crown, or tooth splinting. If a tooth cannot be saved, you may need a tooth extraction. Conservative treatment options for other types of oral trauma may include stitches, wound closure, prescription pain medication, numbing medication, or local anesthesia.
  • Surgical Treatments for Severe Injuries – Surgical intervention may be needed for severe oral, facial or dental trauma. This may include multiple dental extractions, multiple dental implant placement or, in the case of fractures of the facial and jaw bones, surgical repair.
  • Can You Prevent Oral Trauma? – You can reduce your risk of oral trauma by wearing a mouth guard while playing contact sports, following a consistent daily hygiene routine, visiting your dentist regularly, following a healthy diet, quitting smoking, and not chewing on hard objects. However, some types of injuries that case oral trauma such as car accidents or falls are impossible to foresee or prevent.
When to See an Oral Surgeon for Oral Trauma

You should make an appointment with an oral surgeon as soon as you experience any trauma to your face, neck, jaw, teeth, or gums. The longer you wait, the higher your risk of a complication such as infection, deformity, or chronic pain.

Schedule a Consultation for Oral Trauma Treatment

At Stonebriar Facial & Oral Surgery, our experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeons in Frisco and McKinney specialize in comprehensive oral trauma treatment. We offer conservative, nonsurgical treatment options and surgical intervention, and their expertise ranges from dental implant surgery to corrective jaw surgery. Call us now or contact us online to schedule a consultation to explore your oral trauma treatment options.

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