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Image describing Teeth Implants

If you’re considering dental implants for replacing lost teeth, you might want to visit an oral surgeon. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons are experts at performing a number of procedures including the placement of dental implants. These specialists have advanced training and focused education in implant dentistry to restore your oral function and safeguard your oral health.

The Training and Education of an Oral Surgeon

An oral and maxillofacial surgeon (OMS) has advanced training and education in addition to receiving a standard doctor of dental surgery degree. This gives an OMS a deep understanding of oral anatomy as well as the effects of diseases on health and oral function.

After receiving degrees in oral surgery, an oral surgeon might perform residencies and fellowships at oral and maxillofacial surgery practices and at hospitals to hone their expertise. They must also pass rigorous board examinations to practice as a specialist.

Common procedures an OMS might provide in addition to placing dental implants include reconstructive and corrective jaw surgery, biopsies for oral pathology, bone grafting, and tooth extractions.

Implant Dentistry

Dental implants, when compared to other tooth-replacement methods, are relatively new. An implant is a titanium prosthetic that is embedded into the jawbone to replace the missing roots of teeth. Once the jawbone stabilizes a dental implant, the tooth replacement process is completed by attaching a dental crown or bridge. A series of dental implants can support extensive prosthetics like full and partial dentures, too.

When it comes to implant dentistry, an OMS’ education and training are especially beneficial to receiving quality care. Placing dental implants requires great precision and a complex understanding of oral anatomy. This paired with their familiarity with performing surgical procedures can translate to enjoying comfortable and effective treatment outcomes.

Not only does placing a dental implant require impeccable precision, but many patients also require preliminary treatments prior to receiving their replacement teeth. Common treatments that might be necessary before implant placement include tooth extractions and bone grafts. An OMS will have extensive experience providing both of these types of procedures.

Dental implants are the ideal tooth replacement method. They support bone retention as well as neighboring biological teeth. Call Stonebriar Facial & Oral Surgery today to reserve an implant dentistry consultation with our oral surgeon.

Tomorrow’s Implant Dentistry Today