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Bone grafting is a procedure used to rebuild and augment bone tissue in the jaw, often required before receiving dental implants. At Stonebriar Facial & Oral Surgery in Frisco, TX, we specialize in offering bone grafting to patients who need it as part of their journey toward improved oral health. If you’re considering dental implants or have other dental concerns, understanding the process of bone grafting can help you make an informed decision about your treatment.

Women undergoing dental bone grafting surgery

What Is Dental Bone Grafting?

Dental bone grafting is a surgical procedure used to rebuild missing or inadequate bone in the upper or lower jaw. It’s commonly performed in preparation for dental implants, which require a stable foundation of bone to ensure success. Without sufficient bone, the implants may not be able to anchor properly. Bone grafting can also address issues caused by bone loss due to injury, infection, or periodontal disease.

The procedure involves adding bone material to the area where the bone has been lost or damaged. This material may come from various sources, and over time, the body naturally integrates the new bone with the existing tissue, improving bone density and volume.

Dental bone grafting plays a significant role in restoring your smile and functionality. It’s a highly beneficial procedure, allowing patients who may have once been unable to receive dental implants due to insufficient bone to qualify for them now.

Types of Dental Grafts

There are several types of dental bone grafts, each with its own unique properties. Your oral surgeon will recommend the type best suited to your needs. Here are the main types of dental grafts:

  • Allograft: This type of bone graft uses donor bone, typically sourced from a tissue bank. It’s commonly used in dental procedures and integrates well with the patient’s existing bone.
  • Autogenous: This bone graft material comes from your own body, typically harvested from another area of your jaw or another part of your body, like the hip. Because it’s from your own tissue, the risk of rejection is minimized.
  • Xenograft: A xenograft uses bone from an animal, typically bovine (cow). This is a great option for patients who may need a larger volume of grafting material, and the material is processed to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Conditions Treated with Dental Bone Grafting

Bone grafting is essential for several conditions, including:

  • Bone Loss Due to Gum Disease: Periodontal disease can lead to bone loss around the teeth, making it difficult to support dental implants or even natural teeth.
  • Bone Loss After Tooth Extractions: Following the extraction of a tooth, the surrounding bone may begin to shrink or deteriorate. A bone graft can prevent further bone loss and ensure there is enough bone to support implants.
  • Injury or Trauma: Accidents can result in fractures or loss of bone in the jaw, requiring bone grafting for reconstruction.
  • Congenital Deformities: Some patients are born with insufficient jawbone, making grafting necessary for future dental procedures.

How Much Does a Dental Bone Graft Cost?

The cost of dental bone grafting can vary depending on several factors, such as the complexity of the procedure, the type of graft used, and the location of your surgery.

Dental insurance may cover part of the cost, depending on your plan. At Stonebriar Facial & Oral Surgery, we offer flexible payment options to ensure that your dental care is as affordable as possible.

Benefits of Dental Bone Grafting

Dental bone grafting offers numerous benefits:

  • Restores Bone for Implants: The primary benefit of dental bone grafting is that it prepares the jawbone to support dental implants, which are durable, long-lasting, and natural-looking.
  • Improves Jaw Function: Bone grafting helps restore proper jaw structure, allowing patients to chew and speak more effectively.
  • Prevents Further Bone Loss: A graft helps prevent further deterioration of the jawbone, maintaining its structure and appearance.
  • Quick Recovery: While recovery time varies, most patients can resume regular activities within a few days. The healing process typically takes 3 to 6 months, depending on the type of graft used.

Socket Bone Grafting

Socket bone grafting or a “ridge preservation” is an oral surgery procedure during which we fill your tooth socket with a bone graft material after a tooth extraction to prepare that site for a dental implant. This procedure is performed at the same time as the tooth extraction.  Full bone healing usually takes three or four months, however the procedure is minimally uncomfortable and most patients may return to work the following day.  When the socket is fully healed, you are ready to have your implants placed!  You may experience mild pain, swelling, bleeding, a mild fever, and general discomfort however this is uncommon.  Most of our patients are surprised how easy this procedure is.

Sinus Lift

A sinus lift is a surgical procedure during which we add bone to your upper jaw to increase bone height in preparation for a future dental implant.  We have found that the name “sinus lift” is often very intimidating to most patients but the procedure and recovery are actually very easy. The surgery is typically 45min to an hour and requires approximately five to six months for the grafted bone to fully heal, at which point we can place your dental implants.   After surgery, you may experience mild to moderate pain, swelling, discomfort and a feeling of sinus “pressure” after your procedure.  These symptoms are normal.  In addition to pain medications, prescription mouthwash and an antibiotic, our surgeons will often prescribe a nasal steroid and an antihistamine.  Sutures are almost always placed and they will dissolve on their own after 5-7 days.  Nose blowing and straws are strictly discouraged for 2-4 weeks post-op.   Please carefully review the post-surgical information to understand what to expect after a sinus lift augmentation procedure in your upper jaw.

Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF)

PRF is a procedure during which the patients own blood is withdrawn and placed into a centrifuge to separate the red blood cells from the platelet-rich-fibrin.  The PRF is then withdrawn and incorporated into various bone grafting products, often xenograft.  PRF contains growth factors, platelets and other blood components which aid in graft stabilization and healing.

Precautions Before & After Dental Bone Grafting

Before your procedure, be sure to follow your oral surgeon’s instructions carefully. Here are some brief guidelines:

Before Surgery:

  • Avoid eating or drinking for six hours before the procedure.
  • Inform your surgeon of any medications you are taking.
  • Arrange for transportation, as you may need sedation.

After Surgery:

  • Follow post-operative care instructions for optimal healing.
  • Avoid smoking, as it can hinder the healing process.
  • Stick to soft foods and avoid putting pressure on the grafted area.
  • Keep the surgical site clean to prevent infection.

The Takeaways

Here are the key points about dental bone grafting from your friendly staff at Stonebriar Facial & Oral Surgery:

  • Dental bone grafting is essential for those looking to receive dental implants or restore bone structure in the jaw.
  • There are several types of bone graft materials, including allograft, autogenous and xenograft.
  • Bone grafting is used to treat issues like bone loss due to gum disease, tooth extraction, trauma, and congenital conditions.
  • The cost of dental bone grafting varies but is often affordable with some dental insurance plans.
  • The procedure offers multiple benefits, including improved bone health, functionality, and aesthetic appearance.
  • Precautions before and after surgery are crucial for optimal healing and results.

Schedule an Appointment Today

If you’re considering dental bone grafting in Frisco or McKinney, TX, or have any questions, contact Stonebriar Facial & Oral Surgery today. Our oral and maxillofacial surgeons are happy to answer your questions about dental bone graft healing stages, bone grafting for dental implants prices, the best dental bone graft material, and more. We’re here to help you restore your smile and improve your oral health!

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